Raw Hemp Heart Seeds 4-Pounds


Our Raw Hemp Hearts are enzyme rich and undenatured; have not been heat treated like most hemp hearts sold in the marketplace.  Hulled hemp seeds, often called hemp hearts, are nutrient-rich seeds derived from the hemp plant. Packed with complete proteins, essential fatty acids, and fiber, they offer benefits such as supporting heart health, aiding digestion, and providing a range of vitamins and minerals. These versatile seeds can easily be added to various foods, making them a convenient and nutritious addition to your diet.  Grown on small USA family farms.  Our Raw Hemp Hearts are enzyme rich and undenatured have not been heat treated like most hemp hearts sold in the market place.



Raw hemp seeds offer a range of health benefits due to their nutrient-rich composition. These small, nutty-flavored seeds are derived from the hemp plant and have gained popularity for their potential positive impact on overall well-being. Some of the benefits of raw hemp seeds include:

  1. High Nutritional Value: Raw hemp seeds are a powerhouse of essential nutrients, including complete proteins with all nine essential amino acids. They are also rich in healthy fats, particularly omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which support heart health, brain function, and inflammation reduction.
  2. Rich in Fiber: Hemp seeds are an excellent source of dietary fiber, which aids in digestion, helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels, and promotes feelings of fullness, aiding in weight management.
  3. Balanced Fatty Acid Profile: The optimal balance of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in hemp seeds is crucial for maintaining a healthy inflammatory response and overall cardiovascular health.
  4. Plant-Based Protein: Hemp seeds are a valuable protein source for vegetarians and vegans, providing a complete amino acid profile that supports muscle growth, tissue repair, and immune function.
  5. Vitamins and Minerals: Hemp seeds contain an array of essential vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin E, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium, which contribute to various bodily functions, including bone health, immune support, and energy production.
  6. Antioxidant Properties: The presence of vitamin E and other antioxidants in hemp seeds helps protect cells from oxidative stress, potentially reducing the risk of chronic diseases and supporting healthy aging.
  7. Potential Heart Health Benefits: Hemp seeds may contribute to heart health by helping to lower blood pressure, reduce inflammation, and improve cholesterol levels, thanks to their healthy fat and fiber content.
  8. Skin and Hair Health: Hemp seeds’ nutrient profile, particularly their omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, may promote healthy skin by reducing dryness, irritation, and inflammation. They may also contribute to stronger hair and nails.
  9. Easy to Incorporate: Raw hemp seeds are versatile and can be easily added to various dishes, such as smoothies, yogurt, salads, and baked goods, making it convenient to incorporate their nutritional benefits into your daily diet.
  10. Potential for Disease Prevention: While research is ongoing, the nutrients in hemp seeds, such as gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), have been studied for their potential role in managing conditions like inflammation-related disorders, including arthritis and certain skin conditions.

It’s important to note that while hemp seeds offer numerous health benefits, individual needs and responses may vary. Including a variety of nutrient-rich foods as part of a balanced diet is key to optimizing overall health and well-being.