Hemp Protein Concentrate vs. Whey Protein Isolate

As we made the switch from whey protein isolate to hemp protein concentrate, we have received many questions regarding “how are the two protein sources different” and why is hemp protein concentrate the superior protein choice.

We have broken it down in 5 main differences:

  1. Hemp Protein Concentrate is more digestible than Whey (the human
    stomach acid PH level can more easily breakdown plant-based proteins
    than animal-based proteins.
  2. Since there is a small amount of fiber in the Hemp Protein Concentrate it allows the body to adsorb more protein overall than whey since the hemp protein concentrate will stay in the small intestine longer.
  3. Hemp protein concentrate induces faster muscle recovery and has anti-inflammatory properties compared to whey protein.
  4. Perfect ratio of healthy omega 3’s in hemp protein concentrate.
  5. Some reported side effect when taking whey protein can be fatigue and
    headaches but there are no known negative side effects when consuming hemp protein.